Hello, sir. You thought "The Post" was bad? Not liking a movie, I understand completely, but I thought "The Post" was competently written, directed, and acted. Not top-tier work from anyone, but solid enough. Just curious.
Yeah, y'know, it's hard to discuss a movie like that within its own aesthetic bubble. I thought it played like an unearned victory lap for journalism over the forces of fascism. The story has obvious modern day parallels, but it felt so self congratulatory and smug that it seemed to mark that particular battle as "won". It felt not unlike a movie about racism in the past with a coda that said, "And like that, racism was finally defeated!"
Ideological emptiness masquerading as good intentions, really. Maybe all movies about journalists are the same. I don't know. A little too rose-colored for my liking.
I understand where you're coming from. It's liberal self-congratulation without much skepticism. Putting Streep and Hanks in the leads screams "These people are heroes — HEROES, I TELL YA!" before the story even gets moving.
I trained as a journalist and was a reporter-photographer many years ago. Given the current demonization of news media from all sides, I'm somewhat biased toward positive depictions.
"Spotlight" was a better, more honest story. Heck, "The Paper" a comedy-drama from the '90s —also starring Michael Keaton — is a more honest view in spite of being pure fiction.
After all these years, the "Lou Grant" TV show still beats most movies about putting out the news.
I'm hoping to see "Spotlight" soon for this site, haven't been able to find it on any streaming services currently. I hope I'll find it worthwhile. But I admit, I am distracted that most of the cast are people who have previously played superheroes. Kind of stacks an already morally-stacked deck.
I admit, it was cool in "The Post" that he got Bob Odenkirk and David Cross together again. Spielberg doesn't necessarily strike me as a "Mr. Show" fan, but maybe I'm wrong?
Hello, sir. You thought "The Post" was bad? Not liking a movie, I understand completely, but I thought "The Post" was competently written, directed, and acted. Not top-tier work from anyone, but solid enough. Just curious.
Hello, fellow sir!
Yeah, y'know, it's hard to discuss a movie like that within its own aesthetic bubble. I thought it played like an unearned victory lap for journalism over the forces of fascism. The story has obvious modern day parallels, but it felt so self congratulatory and smug that it seemed to mark that particular battle as "won". It felt not unlike a movie about racism in the past with a coda that said, "And like that, racism was finally defeated!"
Ideological emptiness masquerading as good intentions, really. Maybe all movies about journalists are the same. I don't know. A little too rose-colored for my liking.
I understand where you're coming from. It's liberal self-congratulation without much skepticism. Putting Streep and Hanks in the leads screams "These people are heroes — HEROES, I TELL YA!" before the story even gets moving.
I trained as a journalist and was a reporter-photographer many years ago. Given the current demonization of news media from all sides, I'm somewhat biased toward positive depictions.
"Spotlight" was a better, more honest story. Heck, "The Paper" a comedy-drama from the '90s —also starring Michael Keaton — is a more honest view in spite of being pure fiction.
After all these years, the "Lou Grant" TV show still beats most movies about putting out the news.
I'm hoping to see "Spotlight" soon for this site, haven't been able to find it on any streaming services currently. I hope I'll find it worthwhile. But I admit, I am distracted that most of the cast are people who have previously played superheroes. Kind of stacks an already morally-stacked deck.
I admit, it was cool in "The Post" that he got Bob Odenkirk and David Cross together again. Spielberg doesn't necessarily strike me as a "Mr. Show" fan, but maybe I'm wrong?
Interesting perspective on Jan. 6th. I really enjoying reading your stuff!
Hey, thanks man, I really do appreciate the feedback!
The important question here is- which one is your favorite?
The list is in order, but it is "best," not "favorite."
I don't have favorites because I suffer from sadness.