Sep 13Liked by From The Yard To The Arthouse

Have yet to see this one. Would be more inclined to if Leto was not the lead. He bugs me like Reynolds but for the opposite reasons.

Speaking of vampires what are 2-3 of your favorite vampire movies?

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Leto is terrible in this, but in an amusing "I really think I'm hot shit" kinda way. It was only halfway through the movie when I realized it wasn't a spoofy self-important turn from him, but an honest-to-god attempted-moviestar performance.

Favorite vampire movies, I'd have to think. Off the top of my head, I'll go with the original "Nosferatu", Leif Jonker's "Darkness", and "From Dusk Till Dawn" and I will most certainly have different answers tomorrow. Yourself?

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Sep 14Liked by From The Yard To The Arthouse

Love Nosferatu (both versions) and From Dusk Til Dawn (rewatched recently and still holds up well). I’ve somehow never heard of Darkness and just looked it up. Wow I’ve got to find this asap lol. Hopefully it’s streaming.

I would say unchanging top 5

are Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Let The Right One In, Nosferatu, Martin

Honorable mentions: Interview with the Vampire (HBO staple in the 90’s

And one of the first grown books I read as a kid along with Stephen King), From Dusk Til Dawn (Clooney at his most badass and his best performance besides Out of Sight and Michael Clayton), Bram Stokers Dracula with Scary Gary, and Underworld (Just kidding)

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